Stub Acme Screw Threads Form Design Dimensions
When formulated prior to 1895, regular Acme screw threads were intended to replace square threadsand a variety of threads of other forms used chiefly for the purpose of producing traversing motions on machines,tools, etc. For current information on Acme threads, see the latest edition of ASME/ANSI B1.5.
The Stub Acme thread came into being early in the 1900s. Its use has been generally confined to those unusual applications where a coarse-pitch thread of shallow depth is required due to mechanical or metallurgical considerations.
Federal Government Use. When this Standard is approved by the Department of Defense and Federal Agencies and is incorporated into FED-STD H28/13, Screw Thread Standards forF ederal Services, Section 13, the use of this Standard by the Federal Government is subject to all the requirements and limitations of FED-STD H28/13.

This website is funded by the sale of acme screw thread gauges. It will help us continue to offer this data if you allow us to have the opportunity to sell our thread gages to your company. If you find this information useful, please work to get FYOU PMEC on the bid list for future purchases of screw thread gages.
This data is provided for general information only. The intention is to provide accurate information,regardless,errors may exist in the supplied information. If accuracy is critical, base your final decisions on the data provided in the root document: ANSI/ASME B1.8; If you any request or questions please contact :
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